Sleaford Little Theatre 'hots up' thanks to community grant
Sleaford REP Community Liaison Panel Chair Cllr Rob Hipworth and Sleaford REP Communications Manager Mike Harrison recently visited the Sleaford Playhouse. Their visit was to see the impact of the installation of new, revolutionary infra-red heaters to warm its audiences, helped by a £5,000 grant.
The auditorium of the Playhouse was heated by inefficient and expensive convector heaters. George Shields from the Sleaford Little Theatre said it could take up to four hours to warm the room and the building’s Ancaster stone walls would run with condensation.
With only electricity available they came across Far-Infrared heaters. These ceiling-mounted saucer-like ceramic dishes from a Newark company emit heat at a relatively low temperature, targeting surfaces within the room that can bring it up to temperature within an hour. Mr Shields said the power required would be significantly less, vastly reducing energy bills and minimising condensation.
He said: “It is fairly new technology and is specifically used for space heating of large areas such as stables and churches.”
Rob Hipworth, chairman of the plant’s Community Liaison Panel said: “If the money is spent locally it benefits local inhabitants.”