Phase II Construction Works of District Heating System begins
Construction work for the Second Phase of Sleaford Town’s District Heating System is due to commence at the start of August 2013 with all external works completed by Mid-October. The works will see the District Heating main continued from the Leisure Centre under the River Slea to service the NKDC Offices & William Alvey School beyond.
Mike Harrison, Sleaford REP Communications Manager for Eco2 Lincs Ltd, said:-
‘We are delighted to be undertaking the final stage of the District Heating works which in total will provide free thermal energy to five community buildings across Sleaford town. We would like to thank the local community for their patience during Phase I works which involved traffic management along Boston Road. This phase of the work is now drawing to a close.
The District Heating Scheme is part of a wider well-being agreement Sleaford REP has with NKDC that includes a number of local community benefits. Other initiatives totalling £285,000 include a apprenticeships and a community fund. This funding is being administered by the Sleaford REP Community Liaison Panel whose members are made up of community representatives and Eco2 Lincs Ltd. For more information about the construction of the Plant and about the Panel’s work please visit our website –’